Abdominal Massage

For centuries, the Maya of Central America have treated reproductive and digestive ailments with a combination of abdominal massage, realignment techniques, herbal preparations and prayer.

“The uterus is a woman’s centre, and if it is out of balance, she will be physically, emotionally and spiritually out of balance”   Don Elijio Panti, traditional Mayan Healer.

I was intrigued by these techniques that I personally benefited from, so I traveled to the United States, Belize and Mexico to learn the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™.

These traditional techniques help re-align digestive and reproductive organs that may have shifted from their optimal position. Organs that have shifted from their optimal position can restrict the flow of blood, lymph, and chi, and impinge on nerves, possibly contributing to many of our female concerns and digestive complaints. As with other natural healing therapies abdominal bodywork can help the body to restore its natural balance. I find it to be very complimentary to my Naturopathic approach to digestive, menstrual and bladder issues.

How is the massage done?

The technique is an external massage to the abdomen.  You are fully clothed during the treatment, so it best to wear loose comfortable clothing on massage days. This therapy helps relax the muscles, release fascial (connective tissue) restrictions, align the pelvis and hips, improve circulation, and facilitate the release of emotional tension that may be held in these areas.

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