It’s easy to schedule your first naturopathic appointment. Simply phone or click here to book an appointment.
Your Naturopathic appointments allow more time than most standard medical appointments. The first visit is 60 minutes long and follow-up visits are 30 minutes. This gives time to really delve into the details of your health history and get to know you as a person. This also gives us time to have your questions and concerns heard and answered.
I usually have an idea of where to begin by the end of your first visit, and then I always spend time before your subsequent appointments reviewing your info so I can make recommendations tailored to your individual needs and goals. Information from Naturopathic physical exam and lab testing also help with my assessment so please bring copies of past bloodwork and other tests if you have them.
Health History Forms
I want to know all about your past and current health, surgeries, injuries, medications, natural supplements, life stresses, and family history. Please put aside some time to fill out the intake form as this gives me important information and helps me understand your health story clearly. You will get an email with a link to my fillable forms after you book your initial appointment.
Do you have extended health benefits?
Check your plan! Most extended health plans cover visits to licensed Naturopathic doctors up to a certain amount per family member per year. When you pay for your appointment, you will get an an official receipt for you to submit to get reimbursed. Most insurers now have online submission and a direct deposit option, so you can get reimbursed quickly and easily.
How often will you have an appointment?
Because Naturopathic care is individualized to you, I don’t have a set answer to this question. Sometimes people come in more frequently to help keep up momentum and accountability, while others like to have more time to work on things between visits. This is something we will discuss as we go. You might initially have a series of more frequent (every 3-6 weeks) appointments until you’re feeling better, and then occasionally (every 8-12 weeks) for guidance, monitoring and support. Many people keep ongoing Naturopathic consultations 2-4 times per year to get a second opinion on their bloodwork, for seasonal care (i.e. cleansing programs, allergy treatment, cold and flu prevention), bodywork “reset” treatments, naturopathic physical exams (to catch changes before they get to the point of disease), and to see what they could do next to prevent future health issues and stay maximally healthy.
Do you still have questions before booking?
I believe it is important for you to feel comfortable with your healthcare practitioners. For this reason, I offer a complimentary “Meet the ND” phone visit. This 10 minute free intro session gives you a chance to meet me, ask questions you may have about my Naturopathic approach, and find out how I can help you. Phone or click here to schedule a complimentary telephone consultation. I look forward to meeting you.